Tigers Forever:
Saving The World's Most Endangered Big Cat.
Tigers in Peril

The tiger, one of the world’s most iconic species, hovers closer to extinction than any of the big cats. There are just 3,200 tigers left in the wild, scattered in small pockets across Asia. A century ago, more than 100,000 of these majestic cats roamed across 30 nations. Today, they hang on in just 12 countries. They’ve disappeared from 93 percent of their former range.
The good news: there is still enough habitat to support healthy tiger populations. They thrive with just the basics, food, water and a place to live. When you add boots-on-the-ground protection of the cats and their prey, strong laws, enforcement and careful monitoring, they bounce back.
Saving them will require targeted action and creative strategies—and the expertise of the best scientists. Those experts must share their knowledge with governments and prod them to act. Governments must protect remaining habitat. And they must safeguard tigers from poachers with armed protection in the national parks and reserves where the cats still thrive. But saving tigers also requires a world that cares. In the words of renowned field biologist George Schaller, “I learned long ago that conservation has no victories. It’s a never-ending process that each of us must take part in.”
Ten percent of the proceeds from Tigers Forever goes to Panthera, the world’s largest big cat conservation, one of the few that is truly saving tigers. Click here to learn more about the fate of tigers, Panthera’s “Tigers Forever” program—which we named the book after—or to donate.
How to Help wild Tigers
Consider making a donation to the organizations listed below.
Every dollar donated to these organizations goes towards work that front-lines tiger conservation:
Environmental Investigation Agency
Wildlife Protection Society of India